i hate feeling like shit. i hate getting crazy over nothing. i hate being really paranoid for 1 week of the month. i hate being super cranky, i hate when my boobs ache, my back hurts, my stupid uterus pulses, and i am so tired i could sleep for days. and i hate that i can't deal with people - even people i like - that i can't even hold a conversation because it is full of grunts and uh-uhs and yeahs. this shit just beats me up. how - evolutionary speaking - did this ever fucking happen -- i mean i just watched a show last night about pandas and the mom panda popped out a little thing the size of a stick of butter. now, a panda is twice as big - and apparently they can only spawn once a year - which probably accounted for their "poor attempts" at doing it - but humans spit out an 8lb baby with a head the size of a coconut. i mean, come on. i wonder if pandas ache as much once a year.
Not that I know anything about how you might feel, but I think I took a desert view once that was the size of a small horse...
lol, thanks :)
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