so, the sun might go down - but until it does i will water my half dead plants. i'm hot. i just spent an hour with the mothership. had a cold gin and tonic. maybe do some more laundry. it's funny how in the heat of the summer, i think about the snow and cozy winter time. i couldn't wait until the locus sang a few months back. but it's not fun hot. it's a draining heat that tears at your soul. and i would like to go outside and weed - move shit around - dig holes, but all i am doing is trying to keep my poor plants alive. and actually, i don't know what i'm doing. been working alot - at least i feel that i am. i think my catalogue is almost kinda on its way out the door.
i hope WWIII doesn't happen. i don't have a gun. i have a mouthy pup and a machete. i am dangerous with a machete... almost chop my leg everytime i use it.
so yeah. that's today. even though it's hot, maybe i'll go wheal on one of my dead trees in the back.
i wonder if the end of the world is coming. the horsemen will ride through the streets of the earth, sickles and axes in their hands - and instead of 4, there are millions of them, so it all occurs simultaneously. 

1498, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Albrecht Dürer
i hope WWIII doesn't happen. i don't have a gun. i have a mouthy pup and a machete. i am dangerous with a machete... almost chop my leg everytime i use it.
so yeah. that's today. even though it's hot, maybe i'll go wheal on one of my dead trees in the back.
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