who was this man who hallmark has adopted, chics get crazy over, and guys hope to get laid...
well, apparently he was roman priest who got himself in trouble by the Emperor (Claudius II) by marring Roman soldiers (because married guys were not as useful as single ones) or refusing to defy his faith or was it... regardless - he was beaten with clubs, stoned, and ultimately beheaded. isn't that romantic. this all happened feb 14th in the year of our lord 270. it became a catholic feast day, his and another fella's in 496 until 1969 - when rome figured that people would rather go out to dinner and cuddle than go to church, and so was dropped from the calendar (church’s that is). and now, this patron saint of bee keepers, plague, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, travelers, and young people has been reduced to chocolate and roses.
now, there is nothing wrong with a day dedicated to sentimentality and professions of love. but, what is wrong with the 15th? or 16th? or 17th? the random declaration of love is always better than an expected proclamation.
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