Monday, May 05, 2008

if i could move the villita to the land of possum lodge - i would take a handful of my neighbors and put them on possum lodge-like land too - so everyone has enough room to breathe - (this is obviously excluding the urchins directly across the street) - with a market and a bar within close striking distance - preferably walking. where the only sounds you hear is the whistling and creaking of the trees, the crunch when you walk down the driveway, the crickets through the window as you sleep, the rain slapping against the shingles of the house, the birds yapping at each other, and the occasional cat caterwauling at the "annoying" birds ... or the moon - and the moon usually has nothing to say.

this picture has been stolen from it's rightful owner without consent.
ha - and one of the little brats is squatting topless (he is a boy) but squatting on the sidewalk like he is taking a dump. i see the army or boarding school in the near future.
another evening with children in the front yard and a dog who hates them. oh wait... i hate them too. who allows their children to beat on the front porch and the side of the house with sticks. lets them scream and drag their plastic wheeled toys across the sidewalk. all the while there is a back yard large enough to contain all of them and their .. mmm... 10 closest little creepy kid friends. HENRY EAT THEM. Kid - i don't care to hear your imaginary conversation with the wall through the walls of my own place - and my windows are shut. will you shut up. isn't it bedtime? or dinner time? or big bird time?