they returned home, turning into the dusty drive and parked. neither one had said a word for the hour long ride. parked behind their house... they sat. neither moved. both stared out the windshield. no words were spoken. and after what seemed to be another hour, they turned to each other. what happened in that car cannot be spoken, but they left the car rejuvenated. it would be another few hours before they got the call. the call to deliver the package.
after showering and put on respectable clothes, tech tools used were placed in storage, behind loose wall stones - awaiting another day.
and then the phone rang. she answered it. it was a foreign voice. not the initial contact. she was not sure if this was a trick. had someone found out? but all the codes were correct - but this was not the agreed meeting point. they were to meet at the train station.
the train station was build a hundred years ago. it had gone to disrepair, but recently became gentrified - hosting a coffee shop and small boutiques. a place for yuppies, although not in a yuppie neighbourhood.
it was now 2:00, and they were to be there at 3, which did not leave them much time. they both got back into the car, and once again sat. hearts were pounding. adrenaline pulsing through veins. this could be the end - or the start of a very good life.
and with a kiss the car started...