oh the flowers she can plant - ones that bloom at night. ones that bloom in late summer and early spring.. and the tomatoes, and the zucchini... and lilacs and maybe a dogwood...
she is happy. (and again, no bears... big bonus.)

"My Life in Kenya? What's it about? Well... my life in Kenya." And that is what this is, except in Cincinnati.
I just got back from
Jenny and Blake were here when I got home -- Jenny still hasn't popped with her baby -- a day or two over due -- but I think they will be parents like Becky and Matt -- totally cool - and aren't going to turn into weird suburban, soccer parents. I like that. I hope if I ever get to that point, that I will be like that. Completely comfortable in who I am, what I do, and who I'm with. And the little guy that comes out will have completely cool, relaxed parents.
So yeah, it's grub time -- gunna dig through the freezer -- find something yummy -- eat it -- I think a bath is in order tonight... and then... a relatively early snooze.