Saturday, July 30, 2005

the catalogue has gone to the printer

the gods are happy, at least for the moment. the little peasants return to their homes, their village left unscathed by the torrent created by the angry beings. they will eat until their bellies are full and dance until they grow tired. this however, will last only a short while. more storms are on the horizon. distruction is eminent. but it is these few days that they savor and rejoice in.

Monday, July 18, 2005

it's funny how you lose sight of the earth - well, nature i guess. i was sitting outside and looked at the clouds and watched the sun light the edges. and i listened. an alarm was methodically beeping, a car alarm went off, a paper blew off the table, the birds started chirping, and the wind rustled through the leaves. you forget that kinda of shit when the phone is ringing, people are whining, keyboards are clicking. i though of walking in the Upper Basin and the wind blowing through those trees and those birds flying what seemed to be inches above me head. i thought about peaceful and lonley the land was. how beautiful it was and how, if everything came to an end, i might feel safe there. in part it was the company too, but what if the electric stopped in the city, the water stopped. people would be fucked. i would be fucked, but i think, if everything was to be flattened, that is when people would truly rise to be real humans. convienences just makes you forget how small you really are and makes you forget how truely beautiful everything is that you are not seeing becuase you are too busy.

Monday, July 11, 2005

simma dawn naw...

I look about; and should the chosen guide
Be nothing better than a wandering cloud,
I cannot miss my way. I breathe again;
Trances of thought and mountings of the heart
Come fast upon me; it is shaken off...

Content, and not unwilling now to give
A respite to this passion, I pace on
With brisk and eager steps, and came at length
To a green shady place where down I sate
Beneath a tree, slakening my thoughts by choice,
And settling into a gentler happieness.

'Twas Autumn, and a clear placid day,
With warmth much needed, from a sun
Two hours declined towards the west, a day,
With silver clouds, and sunshine on the grass,
And, in the sheltered and the sheltering grove
A perfect stillness...

The poet, gentle creature as he is,
Hath, like the Lover, his unruly times,
His fits when he is neither sick nor well
Though no distress be near him but his own
Unmanageable thoughts; his mind, best pleas'd
While she, as duteous as the Mother Dove,
Sits brooding, lives not always to that end,
But, like the innocent Bird, hath goadings on
That drive her, as in trouble, through the groves;
With me is now such passion, to be blamed
No otherwise than as it lasts too long...

-Wordsworth, from Growth of a Poet's Mind

she is so cute :)

Monday, July 04, 2005

the 4th

Happy Fourth o' JULY!! What would a holiday be unless somebody had to work? Yes, yes. I get to log in an hour or so by being taxicab to a Canadian consultant. Pick-up at airport around 1-ish -- and drive to the stupid little town of mariemont and drop him off - and then pick him up before work tomorrow. I can never fully get away from this stupid job. I would love a whole weekend where I did not have to even think about it. But if I don't take care of things, it won't get done, and if it doesn't get done, it's my fault.

Oh but yesterday, I went canoeing on the Little Miami with Linda. Once I find my adapter - I'll put a couple pictures up. It was a lot of fun - rowed 9 miles, drank beer with a pile of people I didn't know - (but what else is new) - but it was a ton of fun - I would love to do that again with people I did know.

Well, I probably should take my weekly bath as not to totally upset the rest of the human population...

Saturday, July 02, 2005